Group Retirement Programs

Protect you and your employees with benefits that bring financial security to the uncertain future

The uncertainty and insecurity that characterizes today’s times, cause concern to all of us. Workers nowadays are overwhelmed by concern for their future and family.

With Group Pension Plans, offer you and your employees benefits that will bring financial security in the uncertain future

Advantages of group pension plans

Group Pension Plans offer the insured financial security upon leaving the program (early or full retirement) or even financial security to the beneficiaries designated by the insured in case of loss of life. In addition, as far as businesses are concerned, they choose group pension plans to offer additional security and financial independence to their staff, but also because they offer investment solutions for greater returns and savings plans with contributions from the employer and the employee – if he wishes.

  • Maintaining control over the financial flows of the enterprise, without the risk of the occurrence of actuarial or other deficits. At the same time, the company can redefine the number of contributions depending on the current economic conditions.

  • Providing significant investment accumulation through high guaranteed returns

  • Providing employees with a strong incentive to save pensions

  • Flexibility in choosing their characteristics so that they best meet the insurance needs of a company’s employees

  • Protection of the family of insured persons against unexpected risks (death, permanent total incapacity of the insured person)

  • Premium and benefit payments are subject to the specific tax treatment

  • Ease of management and transparency in the terms of the program

  • Integration into the business management system, making them a powerful development tool for human resource management

  • Possibility of a competitive interest rate vis-à-vis banks

Types of group pension plans

Group Pension Plans are divided into two categories, Capital Guaranteed Plans and Non-Capital Investment Guaranteed Plans.

It is addressed to those who wish to ensure the protection of their invested capital. The insurance company invests the savings mainly in bonds of highly rated issuers and guarantees annually a minimum interest rate while reimbursing the insured any overperformance that may arise. By choosing a Capital Guaranteed pension plan, you do not assume any investment risk.

By choosing a pension investment plan, you gain access to higher returns by taking on the corresponding investment risk. You are allowed to choose between some strategies that invest in mutual funds.

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